Selection Process: The ONNSFA recommends eligible students to Frontier Communications The company makes the final selection.
Eligibility: Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Residency:Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Financial Status:Varies. Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Major: Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Award Amount: Varies. Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Continuing Eligibility: Students are eligible for funding for one academic year only. This is not a continuing scholarship. A new group of students is selected each academic year.
Margaret Sussman Scholarship
Selection Process: The ONNSFA recommends eligible students to the donor, who selects the students.
Eligibility: Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Major:Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Award Amount: Varies. Determined at the discretion of donor each year.
Continuing Eligibility: Students are eligible for funding for one academic year only. This is not a continuing scholarship. A new group of students is selected each academic year.
Above: Frontier Communications honored 2019 recipients of the company's scholarship at a reception on April 19.